"There are no superior martial arts, only superior martial artists"

Category: Karate Page 18 of 19

Liverpool samurai: The karate grandmaster who helped change a city – BBC News

Liverpool samurai: The karate grandmaster who helped change a city

Ronnie Colwell’s life in karate earned him a suit of samurai armour and international renown, but he was most proud of his achievements in Liverpool.

Disabled kids get a kick out of karate therapy at Shriners HospitalWhile karate classes for children are held around the country every day, this class is special. It’s at the Shriners Hospital for Children in Greenville. And these kids are on crutches, in walkers and braces, and wearing prosthetic limbs.

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JUST A MINUTE: Reese RigbyOwner of Rigby’s Karate Academy

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Event raises almost $6,000 for veterans’ organizationA non-profit organization aimed at helping veterans received almost $6,000 in donations on Saturday. Veterans Housing Development takes shipping containers and turns them into homes for local veterans. This organization only started three months ago, but Surfside’s Karate World is helping them get off their feet.

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