"There are no superior martial arts, only superior martial artists"

Tag: Antibullying

Why All Children Should Take Martial Arts

Why All Children Should Take Martial Arts | Traditional Wing Chun KungFu North American Headquarters

Why All Children Should Take Martial Arts There are so many reasons why training martial arts are a great activity for people of all ages, but I’m just going to tell you about a few of them here. The best part about these reasons is that they apply to children and adults and everyone in between.

Teen martial arts world champion launches anti-bullying gym for kids after flooring street attacker

Teen martial arts world champ launches anti-bullying gym for kids

Thousands watched a video of Alex Williams taking out a man who bit his ear – and now he is teaching others self-defence

Martial arts helping children defend themselves against bullying

Children defending themselves against bullying

Both knees up. If she kicks to the stomach, you can protect yourself with your legs. She kicks in the head you guard there, says Chief Martial Arts Instructor, Sean Gilham.Local martial arts instructors are working to help put a stop to bullying.They condu

Martial Arts for Peace


Also a very interesting interview with Dr. Terrence Webster-Doyle……http://www.whistlekickmartialartsradio.com/053-terrence-webster-doyle/




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